🏃 ramoneando

Trails in Motion Film Festival [2017 Córdoba]

| [2016 notes + videos] | [2015 films] | [2014 films] | [2013 films] |

Seba Becerra [mp3]

Algunas textuales de la entrevista:

ICELAND - Change Your Life


Life on the Fells

Adam Briggs: not always feels good to start a run but always happy at the end. Seems a cheerful guy, with a merry santa type-laughter. he goes the uphills and the downhills, the sunny days and the muddy days. Born very ill, a blue baby, with no oxygen, serious heart conditions. Culminated in a heart transplant in 1992. Underwent 65/66 surgeries.

I don't want to sit at home and be a dull bum. Have this amazing gift and do nothing with it. And it's like the life he never had. So I can't just sit and waste it. And running for me is the way to do that. A person that runs a mile may be stronger than a person that runs ten. Yes. There has to be a little bit of fear because that helps. But not let it control your life. For me it is quite spiritual, being out in the field, without my friends, it is quite empowering. It is just you and the mountain. [...] It's that solitude that's all you need as well. I'll never be the best, I'll never be the quickest. Just a martyr. I'll probably be the most stupid. [laughters] And I don't go out to prove a point to anyone. I just go out because I love running.

Ending titles

Brian Donnelly Chalenge. 7 days Oregon

Innov-8 presents

Hallucinations means low electrolytes!!
Sleep deprivation!!!!! What are the consequences?

Miles Away

Alicia Hudelson.
Speaks off camera with amazing views.
Little interaction.
Perhaps that's the point of the title:



Roberto Gili

Several day events are different to the non-stop ultras, which have cutting hours (horarios de corte). Multi days is a whole other thing: camping, no shower, etc.

Atención más en comida que en cuerpo!

Sin cabeza con el mejor cuerpo no se hacen estas carreras.

No terminó la de Australia porque se perdió.

No una meta. Pero tener una ilusión. El premio es llegar a la línea de largada.

(c + h) x a conocimiento habilidad actitud

¿Cómo hacer ultra? De a poco. Entrenar cada paso. Sin saltear pasos.

Second sequence of festival

The Hard Way

Bob Hayes. 89. Running from 1986.

Running Wild

Directed and Produced by Danny Schmidt Films
In February of 2014, a remotely triggered camera in Utah’s rugged Uinta mountains captured a picture of something no one thought possible in the area: a wolverine. This elusive creature hadn’t been spotted here for nearly 40 years. This one photograph set in motion a massive undertaking to find if these badasses of the animal kingdom were setting up shop here for good. Under the guidance of Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation, ultrarunners took to the mountains setting up and checking camera traps around the ecosystem in search of more photographic evidence. The result? A comprehensive survey of wildlife in the range and a model for citizen science projects everywhere.
In Trails in Motion Film Festival Website

Reclutaron corredores de ultra para un proyecto científico en relación con mundo salvaje animal. No hacen nada tan sofisticado, pero ¿quién más lo haría sino y con qué medios? Cambian baterías, ven fotos recopiladas y cambian las memorias también.

Tengo una vida egoísta. Esto es contribuir a la conservación.

Thirty hours

72 years old

I'd like to run 'til the day I die

The Crown Traverse

Otro trío de travesía.

Nota mental: ¿No sería bueno un documental sobre la vida misma de corredor? Nada, o no tanto solamente, de correr ni entrenamiento: el día a día en el resto de las horas y con otras actividades.

Mount Marathon

"Circus about to get out of control". 6 k

Somos más fuertes que ellos (usa).

Sin anotaciones

One Step At A Time