of course you need to be very fit and very trained. the most important skill is determination. because at certain point in your physical effort it stops being about wether you can phyically continue moving wether you can convince yourself not to stop. 100 Miles and Running 2011 uploaded by DF
East Coast Ultra Podcast #91 Communist Running Shoes | Russian Dima Feinhaus | Guest Highlights | by Ryan Ploeckelman [@twitter](https://twitter.com/RyanPloeckelman)
- Likes less crowded races.
- First races where after six months of running at age 40 without much considerations of races. First prepared for a marathon distance and then did a 5K, soon after went further.
- Western States might not be the oldest American ultra.
- Hardrock seems to be one of the most beautiful races.
- There is a 300K race by teams in which no results are given at the end. You finish, or not. Similar to Barkley.
- Running ultra is 90% psychological, and the rest is mental.
- Like in Marriage, running in a team means that you really have to know how to communicate. What is important, what is not, when to talk, when not to, and allow to surf through emotions for bad and good.
- Host | I never trust an adult that hasn't shitted his pants.
- Shut up and run to end a race.
- Mental preparation. When you need food don't say the word food, when tired don't think of sleep. You never question if you are able to finish. Just don't even ask the question: can I do that? can't I do that?
- T-Shirt Inspiration. Don't give a fuck and carry on.
- Host: Gary Johnson Leadville finisher in politics could help around to get more people into Western States...
- The Oatmeal Cartoons Good Chance too says Dima ...
- Host: Teddy Roosevelt would be in the ultra scene today