Hay un tipo que corre la carrera griega en chancletas tipo hokas. Además de que parece interesante que haya un vikingo que corre con calzado tarahumara, también es su método de entrenamiento, con corridas cortas de cerca de 20 k varios días corridos, sin castigar con muchos kms de tiradas largas a lo largo de semanas. Parece más fácil conseguir adaptación de esta manera:
Also, his training style is smart. Yes, there are many, many different training philosophies and they need to be tailored to each individual. But many runners break down and become injured and sick because they log in huge mileage days over many weeks for too long of a cycle. Claus’ style of running “shorter” distances day after day until he felt like he wasn’t recovering is both smart and effective.
There’s a lot to learn from Claus and his race story. Check out Claus’ blog flatfoot.guru and his race review here and comment on HOKAS.