🏃 ramoneando

1. Sociological Fiction [So-Fi]

2. ChiRunning Newsletter

When and how did ChiRunning come into your life? (The short story.)

After many years of racing and several injuries I hit a plateau— running wasn’t as much fun and felt like a lot of effort. I saw an ad in my local running club newsletter (Tamalpa Runners) that Danny Dreyer was giving a talk on ChiRunning at the local running store. I was curious and open to any help I could get to prolong my love of running. After the presentation I signed up for a series of private lessons and like Forrest Gump never looked back.

One could apply the basic questionnaire to Forrest Gump in both versions. Movie and book. Must read. He played chess. And not such a nice guy.

3. clubderunning.com.ar | via twitter

Evita correr en superficies duras como asfalto o concreto // No aumentes súbitamente el kilometraje semanal (no más del 10%) // Aterriza con la bola del pie para disminuir la tensión en la fascia plantar