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® Benjamín Juárez


How to be(come) feel thirsty, (h)angry, broken or fixed or in optimal conditions? Lessons from an proprioceptive-illiterate runner | a piece on Autoethnography and Water

Notes on the development of understanding & intuition

What dictum would the reader choose?

Perhaps both can be true, but the latter may well be stronger than the former.

Water appears in a general sense as one of the most innocuous ingredients in the nutritional realm. And however, even being a key ingredient of any diet, it can become the center of grave dangers if not consumed correctly. This becomes more evident in the world of endurance sports where the body is set to a maximum of effort during several hours and frequently under the additional stress of extreme climate conditions. There are at least two ends in a spectrum where dangers arrive:

Water intake recommendation

Several runners and trainers recommend different ways of progressing in intakes of water, salts and mineral to undertake endurance. They vary in many ways and would be good to document. Hoffman, head medical doctor at UltraSportScience recommends not to intake a certain amount of X and Y but rather to drink by thirst. This is a novel approach, since the general saying on this topic is that all people should drink nearly 2 litres of water a day. The 2 litres convention should well be tracked in its origins and functions, and Hoffmans recommendation does not necessarily go against it, but rather goes further, moving from a general idea to a more case-by-case scenario, which in the world of individual-personal considerations should be much more accurate. It singularizes the situation and the endurance sport person to fit each one.

Which leaves the question of How does one learn to feel thirst? This may seem a naïve point, or a question with obvious answers. However, for all people that try to follow nutritional orders it may become difficult to grasp the feel and just go on without noticing the urge to drink water. This could be of importance if it did not have deadly consequences in the realm of endurance sports.



So I got intestine intoxication. And my sister in law two. We believe that it was due to a same meal we ate, which was a toasted ham and cheese sandwich, which had mayonnaise. The difference was that she expelled it the day after and I took 3 days to do so. Of course many factors can influence the cleansing. One is that I was nervous those days. Another is that if I had been drinking plenty of water the cleansing may have came earlier.

But, had my thirst not been enough to have a normal healthy level of water in my body? How would I acquire such understanding?


Babies do not have emotions, or why say that they are angry if they are crying? That is an association done by adults.

Broken or Fixed or In Optimal Conditions

I can sense my big toe having a bigger bone, nearly bunions. I can also notice that my shoulders are generally tight due to using a computer several hours a day. And by the same coin using a chair makes my muscles and tendons much shorter. Every sportsperson may have different conditions. The key is not to make an encyclopedia of body sensations (which can also be useful) but rather to learn how to feel the body, and a plus is how to make micro-changes so that the body can get a new equilibrium.

Notes on the development of understanding & intuition

What makes a football player know how and when to react to the opponent's movements? Some look at the others legs, or have certain gestures that produce a counter-gesture, or in some way try to mimic the movements that the other player tries to predict. It is the milliseconds [@messironaldombappe2018v] in which these decisions are made that make the action not a rational one but a intuition. In this sense of intensity it is that the Argentinean writer Hernán Casciari has made famous the idea that Messi is a dog. And real animals know how and when to react, all the time, by instinct. Again and again, always, as Casciari notes, like Sisyphus.
