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Colombetti, Giovanna.

2013 | The Feeling Body: Affective Science Meets the Enactive Mind

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1 Primordial Affectivity

1.1 Reclaiming a Broader and Deeper Notion of Affectivity

[Affective scientists, focus especially on primarily short-lived emotions.] Affective scientists also (although more rarely) study moods, which they see as differing from emotions mainly in intensity and duration, in particular as being less intense and longer lasting than emotions.š

  1. Throughout the book, I use the term “body” to refer to the organism “minus” the brain (and, relatedly, I use the term “organism” to refer to the brain and body together). By “brain” I refer only to a part of the central nervous system—the one that, in vertebrates, is located within the skull (in vertebrates, the central nervous system also includes the spinal cord). I often follow convention in using “neural activity” in place of “brain activity,” although it is important to remember that brain activity does not reduce to neural activity but includes biochemical activity; conversely there is “neural activity” going on in the body as well, in the peripheral (somatic) nervous system, as well as the autonomic or visceral one (whose divisions—sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric—all include a host of neurons and ganglia).

Ryan Miller

Why I Love Kripalu Yoga

Dec 20, 2015

He loves to bring questions to raise individual awareness. This is different than just demanding for objectives or pushing to static pose. Asking how each person can get to a position based on his/her physic and state of mind is quite a different approach.

Again: listen to your own body / Active Listening