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® Benjamín Juárez

Full ArchLinux Install SAVAGE Edition

by Luke Smith

00:28 Requirements: web + usb drive + linux rtfm
00:53 Video series > Two parts: 1. Install 2. Config.
02:28 Expect blank prompt screen after installed os
03:00 archlinux.org >> download .iso file 500 MB aproximate size
03:50 Check download through ranger
04:05 lsblk [Look at plugged devices: sdX shows drives]
05:05 Learn where you can put the arch-.iso. Be Sure!
05:26 Command dd >> to create USB arch drive
06:05 dd if=/PATH/arch.iso of=/dev/sdX status="progress"
08:50 Explanation how the USB arch drive was created
09:42 Plug USB and reboot PC while pressing key key
10:00 Expect blank screen to start arch linux install

12:41 Let the show begin!!
13:02 1st Check if you need to have a UEFI system
14:01 ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars >> if no access OK //
if plenty information >> see link
15:00 ping lukesmith.xyz [ping website to check connection]
15:23 wifi-menu command [If you don't have an ethernet cord]
15:45 timedatectl set-ntp true [to set clock]
16:00 lsblk >> to partition drive
17:16 fdisk /dev/sdb [Check partitions] >> new command prompt:
m gives information to proceed
p shows drive information
d to delete partition
18:06 n [Create new partitions]
p [Primary partition] >> insert #1
18:20 Enter [For default sector size and last sector] for boot
+200MB (Remove Previous? Yes!)
19:00 p >> New boot partition ready!
19:40 n >> Enter default >> Enter for First sector >>
+12G for swap sector
20:40 Repeat the process for third partition for root / +15 or
21:45 Repeat the process for third partition for home directory and use the rest of the space by pressing double enter at first and last sector
22:50 w (Backup everything!!) [Now wipe/write on everything]
24:55 Now create file systems: EXT4 for boot, home, and root
25:50 mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 (for boot partition)
26:10 mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb3 (for root partition)
26:17 mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb4 (for home partition)
26:55 mkswap /dev/sdb2 swapon /dev/sdb2 [Last thing to set is swap partition]
28:28 mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt [Mount partitions to prepare installation]
ls /mnt [Check]
29:16 mkdir /mnt/home [Make folders to mount the other drives]
ls /mnt [Check]
29:30 mkdir /mnt/boot [Make folders to mount the other drives]
ls /mnt [Check]
29:45 [Mount boot + home to these folders]
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/home
lsblk [all mounted] and prepared to install arch linux

30:51 pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim [installs system]
32:24 Still needed to install boot loader, fstab, internet access and stop dependency on USB drive
33:18 Create fstab file >> which mounts everything on boot
34:02 example vim /etc/fstab
34:45 genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab [uses UUID]
36:50 Check vim /mnt/etc/fstab
37:25 Finish installation with boot loader
37:35 arch-chroot /mnt [Big Bang >> now running from hard drive, not USB]
38:10 ls [shows all folders in system]
38:50 pacman -S networkmanager [to identify web connections]
39:41 system enable NetworkManager automatically start NetworkManager
40:25 pacman -S grub [Install Boot Loader!!]
41:05 grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdX [Generates grub config.]
42:00 grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg [Set grub configuration]
42:42 passwd [type your thing for first time]
43:28 vim /etc/locale.gen [generate locale] >> uncomment relevant lines
44:25 locale-gen [reads previous file and creates locales]
44:45 vim /etc/locale.conf [sets lang variable]
45:28 ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/ [set time zone]
46:15 ls /etc/localtime
46:30 ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Phoenix /etc/localtime ["PC: I am in this time zone"]
47:35 vim /etc/hostname >> arch [sets host name for your computer]
48:50 umount -R /mnt [Exit current systems recursively]

49:20 reboot
50:50 curl -LO larbs.xyz/larbs.sh [Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstraping Scripts]
bash larbs.sh